Are you on your own and trying to figure out the money thing?

  • Maybe you’re making money decisions for the first time after divorce or another big life change – it can feel confusing, intimidating and overwhelming

  • Or perhaps you’re making good money but just can’t seem to get ahead

  • Maybe you’re starting late and want to catch up on retirement savings so you can take charge of your future

And you also want so much more for yourself…  

  • You want to feel confident and in control of your money, but you aren’t sure where to start

  • You dream of what is just on the other side of handling your money – paying off the house, traveling and planning adventures

First, let’s make sure you’re in the right place

If you’re like most of my clients you’ve probably read a book or two or maybe watched a PBS special on how to handle your money. Perhaps you even made some short term progress, tried out a new budget and managed to sock away a little bit of savings. But it wasn’t long though before something happened that knocked you off track. You were back at square one again, unable to make your new money habits stick and you felt embarrassed or frustrated with yourself for not following through with your best laid money plans.

Here’s the thing – it’s not your fault. Let me explain…

First, if you’re like many women I know, you probably didn’t learn money skills growing up. For most people, talking about money is more taboo than talking about sex. So your family of origin may never have talked about money with you. This left you with no clear financial path forward and primed you to absorb some of society’s toxic money messages like:

  • “Women aren’t good with money”

  • “Women can’t be trusted with money”

  • “It’s a man’s job to make and manage money”

This is simply bullsh!t gender bias and internalized sexism. And it’s not your fault.

Second, our culture trains us to spend money on “stuff”.  Turn on the TV and it’s plain to see that retail therapy is our culture’s solution to never having or feeling “enough’. It turns out retail therapy is more expensive than actual therapy – and surprisingly far less stigmatized.

Third, did you know that it actually costs more to be a woman in the U.S.? Yup! Prices for goods and services that are marketed to women (clothing, personal hygiene items, dry cleaning, etc.) cost more than similar products and services marketed to men – over time this adds up.

Add to that the gender wage gap and corporate glass ceilings and it’s no wonder you feel like you can’t get ahead.

Institutionalized sexism is a well-oiled machine. It’s not your fault.

And finally, let’s not forget that women are most often the caregivers in our society. When you’re caring for your children, your aging parents and other people you love, the pull of competing financial priorities can leave you feeling like your needs are at the bottom of the list.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

Society’s story about women and money doesn’t have to be yours. You get to write your own story - one in which you are the heroine and money is your trusty sidekick, your ally instead of your adversary. With the right support and personalized guidance you can master your money once and for all and break free from limitation.


  • Guilt-free spending on the things that truly bring you pleasure.

  • Responding with ease to the occasional emergency expense (like a broken appliance or unexpected car repair) without blowing up your budget.

  • Spending more time enjoying your life and less time worrying about your money.

  • Taking the vacations you want to take without going into debt.

  • Giving generously from your surplus, not your sacrifice, to the people and causes that are most dear to you.

  • Creating a healthy nest egg so you can live comfortably as you age

Financial Well-Being for Women

Hi, I’m JD Rose (She/Her) and I offer a unique way of helping women cultivate financial well-being. I can show you how to elevate your relationship to your money in a way that addresses all aspects of money mastery, not just the practical, but the emotional and the spiritual as well.

There are so many great financial resources out there but most of them don’t address the whole woman. The woman who is more than her to-do list and more than the roles she plays in her life. The woman who wants to understand herself deeply, express herself fully and make decisions that align with all that she is and all that she wants to become.

Join me for a Money Breakthrough Call.

It’s the perfect opportunity for us to get to know each other and determine whether we’re a good fit to work together. To be clear, my goal isn’t to sell you on a program or methodology. Rather, my intention is to help you get clear about where you are, where you want to go and what’s getting in the way of you making peace with money and living the life you want to live.

 Ready to take the first step?

If you’re serious about creating financial well-being so you can live a fuller, richer life here’s how to get started. Learn more about the first appointment with me here.

Not ready yet? No problem. Click here to learn more about my approach.

“JD is a phenomenal coach. She really "got" me and where I was coming from. I had some amazing insights and breakthroughs. I am very grateful and blown away!”

- Alyssa A., Musician

“Working with JD is like coming home to yourself.”

- Sarah C., Massage Therapist