Every month I write you a newsletter.
(aka The Drop In)

These monthly missives are crafted with love.

  • I write them to nourish, delight, & inspire you.

  • I write them to remind you of your wholeness.

  • I write them as an inoculation against the shame, self-doubt, and scarcity mindset baked into our collective cultural and ancestral DNA.

Your monthly Drop In contains:

  • A dose of the Practical…
    tips and resources to help you no matter where you are in your financial well-being journey

  • A dash of the Magical…
    inspiration and encouragement to help you stay rooted in your wholeness, peace and plenitude

…and from time to time I’ll invite you to sign up for my workshops or remind you that I am a wildly hireable financial well-being coach.

Ready to get the The Drop In direct deposited to your inbox?